2011 Minibot (Rinzler)

From Team Paradox 2102
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2011 Minibot Robot - (Rinzler)

Robot Overview

The 2011 minibot (Rinzler) consisted of (brief description here). The name came from (backstory).

Build Season

Main Article: 2011 Robot (Terrence)


(What strategic analysis led to this design.)

Prototyping and Design Process

(What designs were investigated, pictures and videos of prototypes welcome. Linking to google photos okay.)

Fabrication Process

(How was the robot fabricated)

Assembly Process

(Anything noteworthy about the assembly process)

Mechanism Details


(Detailed description of subsystem 1. Pictures preferred.)


(Detailed description of subsystem 2. Pictures preferred.)


Successes (Plusses)

(What worked)

Failures (Deltas)

(What didn't)

Lessons Learned

(Any lessons to be carried forward to future years)


List of Team Paradox Robots